We are always keen to have new members join BWRT. These roles do not just include water based roles!!
Our in-house training team facilitate training at least once per month with other additional sessions also planned regularly to keep our teams’ skill up to the required standard.
The training team will support and facilitate the learning and development required to progress through Rescue3 Swiftwater Rescue Technician (SRT) courses as well as First Aid courses. In addition they will also co-ordinate regular monthly training to ensure compliance and ongoing CPD for qualified staff ensuring skill checks are regular and up to date.
We use a variety of venues across our coverage area along with venues further afield to ensure our team can work and adapt to different environments.
Please note – the BWRT training team only provide training to our members and as such external courses cannot be provided.
Please download and complete the above Application Form and Health Disclaimer. Then email it to the Secretary, Borders Water Rescue Team, info@bwrt.org.uk and a team member will be in touch shortly.
We have an equal opportunities policy for all members, but require a minimum age of 18 years. Anyone wishing to consider joining the Team should fill in the Application form - there is no membership fee, but operational team members are expected to keep themselves fit and be able to swim to a reasonable standard. We also have roles within the team for non-operational members, which include fund raising and communications. Joining the Team or attending an activity is done at your own risk.
All team members need to commit to regular training, dates for which are circulated well in advance.
There is a pyramid callout system in place for the operational members of the Team. This allows the management to co-ordinate the various skill sets in the team appropriate to the action required. Team members gather at an agreed meeting point and are deployed following consultation with any other agencies involved. Any deployment of team members is subject to risk assessment, and to the generosity of employers allowing time off.